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Frequently Asked Questions

The Small Business Lens is a tool intended to be used as an aid by System Partners to better serve small Businesses. At its core the Small Business Lens is a series of questions that will stimulate thought to help you in your efforts to provide value to this large and diverse segment of Ontario’s workforce.

The Lens was created to help the System Partners address the unique needs of small businesses. It was developed by a System Partners working group using a collaborative approach. The purpose of the Lens is to help us ensure small business receive the best we value we in Ontario’s health and safety system can provide.

The names of contact persons are listed on this site. They should be able to help with additional information.

First you will need to click on the download button to access the pdf.

The first part of the Lens contains an introduction and infographics which will provide you with context and background information.

The second part of the tool contains seven sets of questions categorized by business process themes.

Simply review each of the seven themes and then begin applying the questions to your work or project. There is also room in the tool for you to include your own insights about small business.

There is a working group that monitors the use of the tool and reviews the user feedback. The lens will go through an annual maintenance cycle to make improvements based on the needs of the users.

The small business lens was created as an aid, its use is not intended to be prescriptive. Each System Partner will determine its approach and will determine when the Lens should be used.

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